Our skin is exposed to many environmental attacks every day. So, which are the most common of them? And, of course, how can we protect our skin from the aggressive factors of this environment?
The sun is one of the main factors that we know are harmful to our skin. The sun’s UV rays (ultraviolet rays) damage the elastin and collagen in your skin, causing sagging and wrinkles. Excessive exposure to UV rays will cause color changes and the formation of dark spots on your skin.
Whether the weather is clear or cold, UV rays continue to filter through the clouds, damaging your skin. So I don’t know how I can draw attention to the importance of using SPF-protected products. So make sure that the day creams you use daily are SPF protected. If you want to fight your skin problem such as dark spots while protecting yourself from harmful sun rays, Day Cream with SPF 20 protection.
Air pollution causes internal and external damage to our bodies. Just as the polluted air we draw into our lungs damages our whole body, it damages our skin with which it is in contact just like UV rays, causing dryness and premature aging.
The impact of air pollution on your skin is huge. Especially for those living in the city, it is useful to apply a good skincare routine because it is not possible to completely avoid air pollution. Clean your skin twice, day and night, to remove oil, dirt, and makeup that accumulate throughout the day. You can choose the product you will use for cleaning as moisturizing or lightening according to your skin type and skin problem and their formulas, will protect your skin against external factors as a protection shield.
Although it is not a surprise for you, it is worth noting: cigarette smoke is very harmful to your skin. And what’s worse, you don’t have to smoke cigarettes yourself to get hurt. Passive smoking also harms our body at the same rate. Just like other environmental factors, smoke causes premature aging of the skin and increased appearance of wrinkles. Cigarette smoke also causes your skin to lose its glow and vitality.
Expert Advice: All I can say about this is, avoid it or don’t do it.
Many of us use air conditioners to heat and cool our living spaces. Unfortunately, air conditioning has negative effects on our skin. Hot air reduces the moisture content in the skin and causes it to dry. Similarly, cold weather can cause irritation and flaking of your skin.
The advice I can give in this regard is to follow a good skin care routine. A simple skin care routine can offer solutions to many problems, from loss of moisture and radiance to wrinkles. For an uncomplicated and effective routine, you can start with an eye cream after cleansing your skin. Then it will be enough to apply your moisturizing facial serum and finally complete the routine with a moisturizing lotion or day/night cream.